little one had his/her fetal echo on friday. my ob explained that IVF babies are more prone to heart defects. yet ANOTHER thing to worry about! the u/s was pretty great though! we saw little one all wiggly active -- post peanut butter on whole wheat. at one point we saw him/her actually sucking on his/her toes. super cute. and then the hiccups. adorable. it was surreal to see the movements on the screen AND feel them at the same time. then the cooperation stopped. "flip over little one, please move! we need more shots." the tech had great difficulty finding specific details of the heart so I had to repeatedly bring my feet up on the examination table and slam my ass up and down a half dozen times. now that was scary. did you all feel the tremors around 3 pm? yep. that was me.
so tubby here is passing down the weight gain baton to little one. he or she is a plump 1 lb 1 oz! wow! at this point he/she should be 12-13 oz. uh oh. I have no plans on delivery some sort of 10 lb baby. NOT going to happen. 7 lbs or 10 lbs, little one has a beautiful heart. his cardio thoracic surgeon father could not be any prouder.
You look great - and you should do...that all sounds great news with your little one!
Hope you get to feel better soon
I think you look fantastic! I have found over time that the "norm" baby size/weight range is alittle off. My peri always tells us what percentile our bby's growth is at. He told me that they go through growth spurts too just like growing infants. It helped me feel less anxiety about a 10 lb baby as well
You look gorgeous, dude. And I see no puffiness whatsoever. Trust me, if you want to see puffy, I'll send you pictures of me while pregnant.
Seriously, it'll make you feel super hot.
And for you, I will humiliate myself like that.
P- You look great! Is the picture in front of your house? If so, it looks like a pretty cute area. Refresh my memory, are you going to find out boy or girl or keep it a surprise? Glad everything is going so well!!! and that little one is growing nicely!!!
You don't look big at all, specially given that your baby is so big!! Anyway, it's nice to see your face :)
oh pay! i'm so happy for you! really really happy. you're so flippin cute preggers wit yo little belly...
bestest, monlinkava
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