I do TTC with DH through IVF with AMA and a MF for a BFP entirely for myself as a kind of virtual therapy. I believe 99% of my visitors are experiencing their own infertility nightmares. I feel like I know them but have no idea who they are. sadly, there are many of us out there.
so...let me know who you are. I'm curious. leave me a comment. send me your blog. remember, misery loves company.
my assignment now, as a nominee, is to nominate 5 blogs that make me think for the thinking blogger award. here they are –
making twiglet was awfully kind to mention me. I enjoy her blog because she is always so hopeful and optimistic in her views. her perspective is refreshing (and foreign) to me. she's a good kid and I hope she gets her BFP very soon. it's funny, she is not the only one to use the words "raw" and "painful" when describing my blog. yikes. remember people! I do have a gratitude journal! and I don't even listen to the smiths anymore!
stirrup queens and sperm palace jesters is also a blog I frequent. it is cleverly written by 2 writers who have overcome infertility and are now working on a book to educate the non-infertile world. it is cool site and you could literally spend hours there poking around. I actually have a few posts from my downer of a blog in their archive.
flotsam, infertility sucks! and a little pregnant are all very funny and thoroughly entertaining. it goes to show you it is possible to find a tad bit of humor in all of this infertility crap. when you feel like hell a lot of the time a good chuckle is always a nice change.
Thank you!
ahhhh... i hear other people say that about me being optimistic, it's all a front! j/k. thanks for the shoutout. I hope we both get our BFP's very soon. We sure do deserve it.
Thank you for writing your blog. I read it every day. I have different problems so it's a good reminder that everyone struggles with something. I have my fingers crossed for you in 2007. - Barbara
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